On the 3rd September I was officially able to do my very own show and tell! It was the day that I could share the amazing cover of the US version of Asha And The Spirit Bird. Here it is – and isn’t it amazing? It’s been created by an American Indonesian artist called Dion MBD and I love that it’s totally unique and really different to the UK cover which was created by a Romanian artist called Aitch.
When I visited my old primary school, Mellers in Nottingham, the children in year 6 who are reading my book gave me their views on it which I’m going to share with you all here. This is what they thought: “I like both of them but I like the US one because I feel like it makes more sense and it has the bird watching over and protecting Asha.” “I like the US one because Asha is holding the pendant which relates to the bird and relates to her Grandma and this means something.” “I like both but I prefer the US one because it has more meaning. The bird shows you more about the book.” “I like how you see Asha – she didn’t look like I expected. I thought she would be wearing traditional Indian clothes but she was wearing a hoodie. This made me question things about the book. I know why her hair is short now because she cuts it in the book.” And here are a few extra comments their teacher shared with me about Asha And The Spirit Bird in general. “They were interested in the setting too and talked about similarities between the UK and India - there were more than they expected. They didn't think Asha would have electricity or the Internet! We talked a lot about what Asha was wearing and the colours used in the illustration. It was a great and lively discussion. I think on the whole they preferred the US one. After the discussion, I was also in agreement with them which surprised me!” It’s fantastic that the cover has provoked such discussion! Thank you once again to the amazing children and their teacher Mrs Buttress.
A few weeks ago I had the amazing opportunity to go all the way to Nottingham to do a very special book tour. It was special because Nottingham is my home-town and ever since I was a little girl I dreamt about maybe going back there to share a real book I had written.
So…I actually went back to my old school, Mellers Primary, and took along Asha And The Spirit Bird to share with them all. If you are one of the lovely children I went to see on the 23rd September here’s a special wave to you all!!!! It felt so strange to be sitting outside my old headteacher’s office – as if I was on the naughty step and was waiting to see him! But to be honest he was never strict. Mr Stanton was the most lovely headteacher. He used to play guitar and get us singing lots of amazing songs! I was so impressed with the children and all the teachers I met on the day. I was honoured to be shown around by Milan and J’Maer – thank you both! They were so smart in their uniforms and actually were the most perfect shower rounders. They took me everywhere and showed me all the things that had changed since I was there. Like they have a whole new part of the school for the older pupils!!! And they have a wonderful new hall where everyone gathers for assembly. This is where I talked to the whole of the school about my book Asha And The Spirit Bird. They all behaved so well. They were amazing. Even the littlest children who I know, from being a teacher myself, can sometimes find it hard to sit still! But they listened and asked some awesome questions. I even got to sit in on a Maths class with year 6 – I couldn’t believe how good they were at thinking about maths and explaining their answers – super impressed! Well I hope that you are enjoying reading Asha And The Spirit Bird – how far in are you? What’s your favourite part? Do you believe the spirits of our ancestors are watching over us? Write and tell me! |
AuthorHi I'm Jasbinder, thanks for visiting my blog page. Hope you have fun exploring the posts and finding out more about my life as a writer and more! Archives
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